Panchakarma for Cleansing, Balancing,Healing and
On the old kottawa road No 161, Nawinna , Maharagama
{ near to ayurvedic department } kethaki ayurvedic
panchakarma treatment and ayurvedic beauty culture
treatment center is located in a serene environment,
under the them of "Genuine panchakarma
treatments and ayurvedic beauty culture
treatments" we give our ordinary service for
local patients as well as to the foreigners.
What is Panchakarma?
The treatments consist of five different natural
ways, or "Panchakarma" viz.
1. Nasya
2. Vaman
3. Virechana
4. Vasthi and
5. Raktha Moksha
Which eliminate all the toxic elements
from the body and mind. This medical
system emphasizes the holistic approach
where the whole person body, mind and
soul should be considered and not just
the affected part.
Ayurveda is based on "Panchabhutha" and
"Tridosha" theories. This unique living
system considers that a human being is a
balanced composition of body, mind and
soul. Life styles which are based on the
true principles of Ayurveda will resist
diseases, arrest premature ageing and
retain youthfulness for a long time.
Benefits of Panchakarma Treatments
- Eliminate toxins and toxic conditions from your
body and mind
- Promotes ultimate wellness by building immunity,
thus you become more resistent to illness.
- Reverse the negative effects of stress on your
body and mind thereby slowing the aging process.
- Prevents disease process and corrects imbalance.
- Provides deeply needed rest & relaxation
- Offers mental clarity and increased
concentration. Enhance your self-reliance,
strength, energy and vitality.
- Deepens self awareness & spirituality
- Clears emotional stagnation and allows you to
experience inner joy
- Helps develop a consistent daily routine that
includes yoga, meditation, and self-care
Bring Sense of well-being.
Team of doctors
The Chairman of this Ayurvedic center is Dr.
Senanayake Mudiyanselage Herathhami Wijesinghe and
the company directors are Dr. Antony Swetha Lalani
De Silva and Dr. senanayake Mudiynselage Herathhami
Sandun Lakshitha Senanayake .
Dr. Senanayake Mudiyanselage Herathhami Wijesinghe is
graduated { D.S.A.C.} and a Senior lecture in
Kelaniya University Ayurvedic faculty . Orthopedic
specialist , the only Educated person in horiwila
traditional orthopedic treatment system.
In Addition Accupungture , panchakarma has followed
in India. Dr. Wijesinghe is coming of in the line of
famous Traditional native Doctors in Horiwila.
Dr. Swetha Lalani was graduated { D.S.A.M.S } at
Wickramarachchi Ayurvedic institution which is
applicated to the University of Kelaniya . She
followed a beauty culture and panchakarma course
under the supervision of ayurvedic professor in
India .
Dr. Senanayake Mudiyanselage Herathhami Sandun
Lakshitha Senanayake was graduated
{ B.A.M.S } in India. He followed special course of
Ayurvedic Panchakarma and Ayurvedic Beauty Culture
in India and He was Business management degree
holder also .
He is 36 th milestone in the famous native Orthopedic
generation called Horiwila.
Treatments are been given for all kind of diseases.
Every day good number of local and foreign patients
are been treated by our team of qualified doctors .
we specially use drugs from our generation and
imported drugs from India. In our HORIWILA OSU
productions are been used in consultation modern
technology . As a example we make medicated oil as
easily to apply and quickly absorbent balm, then we
specially make decoctions as decoction micro
filtering bag system { just like tea bag}. All
ayurvedic drugs preparing in our factory under the
supervision of qualified Ayurvedic doctors.
This is special Massage of oil
massage in which strokes given
According to the circulatory
channels for 25 minutes per day
for 14 days . this treatment is
very useful for obesity,
Arttmilis , paralysis ,Body
pain, Hierological Disorders
cholesterol and Neuritis.
Other wise known as Medicated
enema . Vasthi is a therapeutic
. Procedure in which certain
Herbal oils , Herbal Decoctions
etc. Are applied through the
rectum daily for a period of 5
to 21 days The treatment is
effective for arthritis,
paralysis , Heami plegia
numbeness, gastric complaints .
Vamana Karma is one of the Major
Karma of Panchakarma therapy.
Vamana is a process by which the
contents of the stomach
including Kapha and Pitta are
expelled out of the body through
mouth it is type of purificatory
of the body upper part of the
body. This Emesis therapy good
for Kapaha Disorders, Asthma,
Bronchitis , Skin disorders,
Rhinitis , Tuberculosis Disorder
of stomach and case of
Virchana means to expel out dosas
through anal route . virechana
is a specific treatment for
pitta dosa . this treatment
recommended for 7- 14 days. This
purgation therapy good for skin
disease , urinary disorders ,
Hemorrhages from upper part of
the body . Fistula in ano piles
, Abdominal swelling ,
constipation and gastro
intestinal disorder.
The procedure of blood letting
for the therapeutic purpose for
morbid Dosas with blood . The
vitiated blood should be
eliminated by venesection horn,
Gourd leech, and Scarification
in regressive order according to
the depth of the Morbidity.
Being one among the panchakarma
procedure , Nasya is a treatment
in which herbal juices medicated
oil ect are applied through nose
for 14 days . This treatment is
highly effective for certain
kinds of headaches , paralysis ,
mental disorders , some kind of
sinusitis, Migraine catarrh and
epilepsy .
It is a process by which the
patient will be Anointed with
suitable oil and he will be
massaged with the help of pinda
on the affected of the body .
this is applied by two to four
masseurs for about 60 to 90
minutes per day for a period of
14 days this treatment is for
all type of Rheumatism, pain in
the joints emaction of limbs
high blood pressure , high
cholesterol and certain kinds of
Muscular Diseases , Paralysis ,
stiffness of joints diseases of
Nervous system .
Certain precious herbal leaves
and herbs are boiled and the
steam is passed to the whole
body for 20 minutes . this is
good for certain skin disease to
eliminate impurities from the
body to improve the tone of the
body to reduce fat
{ cholesterol} , Arthritis ,
Lumbago paralysis .
Shiro means head and dhara is the
continues flow of a oil in this
process, some herbal oil,
medicated milk , medicated
butter , milk ect , are poured
on the forehead in a special
method for about 40 minutes in a
day for a period of 7 to 21
days. This treatment is mainly
loss of memory , headaches,
mental disorders, Hemiplegia ,
some skin diseases , psoriasis
Certain Lukewarm Herbal oil
poured in to a cap fitted on the
head and held for 15 to 60 min
minutes per day According to the
patient's condition for a period
of 7 days this treatment is
highly effective for facial
paralysis , dryness of nostrils,
mouth and throat severe
headaches and others diseases of
the head .
This is found very effective in
obesity , hemiplegia , paralysis
, skin diseases , impaired
circulation and similar Kapha
diseases . in this procedure
certain special herbal powders
are applied by two therapists in
a peculiar way on the body for
about 30 t0 40 minutes daily for
a period of 14 to 28 days .
In this process specially
prepared warm medicated oil is
kept over the lower back with
herbal paste boundary , this
treatment lasts for 45 minutes
to 01 hour and it is good for
any type of back pain and spinal
Like kati vasthi warm medicated
oil is kept over the chest for
45 minutes , this is and
effective treatment for Asthma
and other Respiratory problems .
Heart diseases and muscular
chest pain .
It is a treatment for the eyes.
To undergo this treatment the
patients is made to lie on his
back on the dorni as in
urovasthi. A receptacle is built
around the eyes with black gram
douche for the retention of the
medicated ghee used in the
therapy. Netra vasthi is
indicated for Glaucoma,
conjunctivitis and night
Panchakarma treatment is another special treatment
there is a special place at kethaki Ayurvedic Center
in this regard constructed and maintaining a special
separate section for this Ayurvedic Treatment System
is not only for got well the patients it depends
also for keep the healthy of person when we brought
a vehicle we must maintain it well our body also
like that internal and external service of the
vehicle should be done with in a limited distance.
Our body also may be maintain like that we call for
it human body service { panchakarma}.